February 2017 - Events Team Meeting Report
By Carlos Cámara on 2017-02-21 13:08 in Events Team
Attendees: Radek Suski, Sigrid Suski, Carlos Cámara, David Jardin, David Aswani
Not in attendance: Rowan Hoskyns Abrahall
Date/Time: 15 February 2017 @ 16:00 UTC
Improve Events Charter to be more clear about our rules to get a event approved
We agreed on the need to improve our documentation to help JoomlaDay organizers get their events approved.
Transparency reports of 2016 JDays
Only 3 JoomlaDays from last year published a transparency report. We are going to ask last year JoomlaDay Organizers to publish and send them. There will be no actions taken against those JoomlaDay in 2016 which do not publish their reports, but from now on all JoomlaDays must publish a transparency report and those which fail will not be approved on following years.
We will contact OSM to ask them to allow JoomlaDay organizers with a surplus to keep it to help community growth on their regions.
Events team will follow up with events organizers 1 month before the event and 2 weeks after the event to get more engagement from the JoomlaDay organizers.
Actions to take
Update Events Charter to make it more accurate about the Transparency Report rule
Work in a document for Email templates for contacting Event Organizers before and after the events
Work in a document for adding a new link to the site with all the requirements to get a JoomlaDay approved
Work in the email to ask for transparency report to last year JoomlaDays
Thank you very much to all Event Team members for his continuous work and great help to the Joomla! Community!