By Private Profile b2c8cac3 on 2020-02-28 14:48 in Extensions Directory Team

JED Team Meeting

The Joomla! Extensions Directory (JED) team met on February 28th, 2020, at 14 pm UTC, via Glip to discuss our progress of current tasks.

  • In attendance: Anibal Sanchez, Jaz Parkyn, Hugh Douglas-Smith, Luca Marzo, Mark Lee, and Troy Hall.

  • AbsentCarlos Cámara, Dénes Székely, Daniel Dubois, and Tony Partridge.

Team Organization

  • We are processing the queue of new extensions and pending tickets within the seven days processing window. With the addition of new members, we are improving the processing times.

Plans for 2020

  • JED Design 2020 Updates: General review of the site design for mobile and desktop. Renewal of JED general visual technology and design. #139

JED Home 2020


JED Category Page 2020

JED Category Page 2020

JED Most Reviewed Widget 2020

JED Most Reviewed Widget 2020

JED 4 Project

  • JED4 development has been continuing. To contribute to the project:
  • The board approved the proposal to make the new JED 4 codebase and project information available publicly.
  • The Review Detective and Review Scores will be kept private within the JED team.
  • This is the JED 4 Project Scope Summary. To simplify the project coordination, we have the JED - Developer Chat room in Glip for developers to work on JED4. Please, join the JED Dev Chat on Glip to discuss the scope and access the rest of the materials we are working on.
  • The JED 4 development repository has been published: Please, check the list of issues and collaborate with the development.

Proposed JED Guidelines for Joomla 4

  • New extensions guidelines for J4 and JED Checker CI for Joomla 4#67
  • Minimum technical requirements: We have been discussing the steps to manage extensions for Joomla 3 and Joomla 4 after Joomla 4 is released, to keep compatibility with minimum technical requirements for Joomla 3 and encourage the usage of PHP latest stable version and security practices.
  • Override Everything: All assets should go through HTML helper or web assets. In this way, the assets are overridable, and scripts can be put in the footer and still work. Restrict handwritten script tags in the output (This needs to go through addScriptDeclaration). Include assets ONLY in the layouts, not in the main logic.
  • Joomla 4 Beta is planned to be released this year. We are updating our plans accordingly. In February, we expect confirmation about the next steps.

Scoring Issues

  • An issue on the extensions scoring has been reported. We are looking for a developer to evaluate the current algorithm and fix the issue. For more information #84

Spam Checks for Reviews

The current system to process Spam Review needs to be revamped. The current implementation has several shortcomings that must be addressed.

In the short term, to clarify the validation output, we are improving the messages shown to the user. Spam Checkup can fail due to the following points:

  • You may be using an IP masking service
  • A VPN
  • A server is actively running on your desktop IP

In the medium term, we are planning to redefine the system and implement a new checkup in the context of the JED4 project. We are updating the progress in the implementation here #65.

More Ideas - Nice To Have

  • Templates on JED: Recently a new Joomla template directory has been published, maintained by members of the community, and with an open process to accept new submissions.
  • To submit new templates:
  • Since the basic requirement of a general template directory for Joomla is covered, we close the JED issue. #138