JED Team Meeting Notes - 25 September, 2015
By Private Profile 8ada61bb on 2015-09-25 00:00 in Extensions Directory Team
The Joomla! Extensions Directory Team (JED) Team meets the last Friday of every month at 6:00 AM PDT. This meeting was held on September 25th, 2015 on Glip.
Team Members
Present: Tessa Mero, Matthew Baylor, Keith Daudt, Luca Marzo, Amiel Horowitz, Jaz Parkyn, Markuss Bopp, Hugh Douglas Smith, Eyvonne Myers, Rodrigo Spillere, Daniel Dimitrov
Excused Absences: Anibal Sanchez, Mark Smeed, Mark Lee, Angelos Hadjiphillipou, Valentin Garcia, Renea Leathers, Paul Franklin
Discussion Outline
We are very excited that this is our second time posting our notes from our meetings to keep our discussions transparent to the Joomla! community.
We’ve all reviewed the JEDCA (Joomla Extensions Directory Contributor Agreement) and sent it in to the CLT (Community Leadership Team) for approval. Now that it’s approved, we sent in our document to OSM (The board of directors - Open Source Matters) to have it send to our lawyer for review. After the lawyer’s final approval, we can bring in developers to work on the JED3.0 system.
Matt mentions we need someone who can take the new template and compare it to the current version and implement the changes that were made to the global header and footer areas. Markus Bopp volunteered to take on this task.
OSM wants ad blocks placed on the individual listing pages and they want to drop using Adsense directly and start using Revivie Ad Server. Adsense won’t be removed completely. It is still adsense ads but served through an ad server application where they can insert ads from Joomla sponsors.
We are still needing a vagrant box of a sanitized copy of the JED website for outside contributors to work with. Vagrant isn’t the only option. Any option will work as long as it is easier to give a working copy of the site to be used locally for testing.
Example Situation: John Doe wants to fix a bug that's on JIRA. He posts a comment on the issue with his desire to fix it, we give him/her the OK. Then they sign the JEDCA and get access to a bitbucket branch and the copy of the site we put together.
We had a discussion on the Joomla Template Directory / Implementation of templates. But with so many issues at the moment, this conversation will be moved far later when the system is more stable. Too many variables in place for issues and debates.
Support tickets have 35 pending at the moment, with the oldest support ticket being from 3 days ago (September 22nd). We have been doing well keeping up to date with this. The review sub team manager reported only having 5 support tickets to do in the Reviews support category.
Extensions have 15 pending at the moment, with the oldest pending listing being from 2 days ago (September 23rd). The Listing subteam have been hard at work making sure everything is being screened as quickly as possible, although we have an (up to) 21 day pending wait time.
Regarding VEL (Vulnerable Extensions Listing), with the streamline reported extensions, Matt will work on something for the updating issue
Keith Daudt has been promoted to the Documentation (sub) Manager. Our previous Documentation Manager has stepped down from the team (Bernie) because of his work situation.
Amiel Horowitz mentions he is a speaker at Israel JoomlaDay 2015 in Tel Aviv, Israel, and is offering to promote and talk about JED to others.
His presentation will be on writing useful reviews on the JED (awesome!)
Tessa Mero has created a sub team called Quality Control and have hired Jay Blaq as the first person to start. The purpose of this team/position is to make sure extension quality meets the standard to be published on the JED. He will be only testing for functionality and not the code quality. Code quality testing will be a goal much later on. So, at least this is a good start!
Anibal Sanchez has been promoted from the role Social Media Expert to Marketing Manager. Our current Marketing manager stepped down from the JED team to pursue other contributions to the Joomla project.
Matt will be adding a new category to our Support System called “Report a Vulnerable Extension”.
Daniel Dimitrov will meet with Rodrigo Spillere, who are both web developers for the JED team to make a plan to get started.
Our goal is to have code contributions begin October 2015.
Statistics for September 2015:
Extensions: 182 Submissions, where 114 were published, 53 were flagged with errors, and 15 still pending for review.
Reviews: 715 Submissions Published
Support Tickets: 256 Submissions Processed. 35 Pending.
There would be less Extensions being flagged if JED Developers would read the Knowledgebase and use the JEDChecker to view flagged files before submitting to the JED.
Meeting ends after 1 hour and 45 minutes.