JED Team Meeting - 25th March 2022
By Jaz Parkyn on 2022-04-02 19:21 in Extensions Directory Team
Joomla Extensions Directory Meeting Minutes - 25th March 2022
Participants: Mark Fleeson (Jed 4 Developer), Oh Martin, Jeroen Moolenschot, Jaz Parkyn (Assistant Team Lead), Tom van der Laan, Denis Ryabov
Apologies: Hugh Douglas-Smith, Mark Lee, Llewellyn van der Merwe (Team Lead), Luca Marzo, Claire Mandville, Dénes Székely, Tobias Zulauf (JSST Liaison)
Llewellyn decided to step down as Team Leader. The re-election is in progress.
Extension Listings & Tickets:
Unprocessed items will be dealt with over the coming weekend
Vulnerable Extension Listings:
The team reviewed a special case and agreed an outcome
JED Checker:
PHP syntax checker to be added
JED4 Component:
Catch up meeting is planned for start of April
Other Business:
Team meeting time review