JED Team Meeting Notes - 29th January, 2016
By Private Profile 8ada61bb on 2016-01-29 14:28 in Extensions Directory Team
Today the Joomla Extensions Directory (JED) team met at 6:00 AM (GMT -8) via Glip to discuss our progress of current tasks.
Statistics for the month of January 2016:
Listings: 292 Submitted 266 Approved
Tickets: 513 Submitted 479 Processed
Reviews: 1245 Submitted
Jira Updates
We have updated the several hundred pending Jira issues to make sure they are up to date and still a bug. We haven’t been able to work with any issues since we have been waiting on contract approvals and signatures most of 2015 to be able to move forward.
There are many bug fixes waiting in the queue to be pushed to the live server. Rob (the previous JED developer) is tasked today to work with the JED team on board with this. It is a manual task on the Jenkins server.
By the next February meeting, we should be adding statistics to our bug fixes.
Updated JED Template
The updated JED template is done. Thanks to Markus Bopp and Miron Savan. It is now waiting to be pushed to the live server. :-)
Developer Chat
To gain access to the developer chat, send an email to tessa.mero (at) You will see important tasks to the right, and we will discuss general issues there. (Specific issues will be discussed within Jira). Also, Jira integrates with our chat system, so you can easily see new issues and replies to issues right in our chat system.
Jaz will have things up and running in the next few weeks by the next JED team meeting. We will have great news about our new updated JEDChecker. To view our plans with the JEDChecker, please check out our last team meeting report at the link on the far bottom.
Community Support
Please, if you find a bug or have improvement suggestions, please find the issue on our Jira Issue Tracker. Your opinion could make a significant impact on the Extensions Directory.
Sign the JEDCA to get Write access to the JED. Contact tessa.mero (at) to get directions on how you can contribute.
The next JED team meeting will take place on 26th February 2016 at the same time.