By Jaz Parkyn on 2016-02-26 15:06 in Extensions Directory Team

Today the Joomla Extensions Directory (JED) team met at 6:00 AM (GMT -8) via Glip to discuss our progress of current tasks.

In attendance: Matthew Baylor, Jaz Parkyn, Anibal Sanchez, Luca Marzo, Aleksander Kuczek


Statistics for the month of February 2016

·         Listings: 144 Submitted, 97 Approved, 47 Pending Response

·         Tickets: 328 Submitted, 244 Processed

·         Reviews: 862 Submitted


Jira Updates

The JED test site is in the process of being updated and should be ready to go shortly so that the pending fixes can be pushed for testing.

To gain access to the developer chat, send an email to tessa.mero (at) You will see important tasks to the right, and we will discuss general issues there. (Specific issues will be discussed within Jira). Also, Jira integrates with our chat system, so you can easily see new issues and replies to issues right in our chat system.

Please, if you find a bug or have improvement suggestions, please find the issue on our Jira Issue Tracker. Your opinion could make a significant impact on the Extensions Directory.

Sign the JEDCA to get Write access to the JED. Contact tessa.mero (at) to get directions on how you can contribute.


JED Checker

The ACL additions have been completed, and work has been started on some of the other points. We welcome any pull requests to the Github repository.


Call for Volunteers

The JED team will soon be looking for more volunteers to assist with processing tickets and extensions. We will post an announcement soon with more details.