By Private Profile b2c8cac3 on 2018-06-15 10:51 in Extensions Directory Team

JED Team Meeting

At Cologne, part of the team attended to J and Beyond 2018 to develop the new JED 4 system, the next iteration of the directory.

  • In attendance: Jaz Parkyn, Anibal Sanchez and Hugh Douglas-Smith.

JED 4 - New System

  • JED 4  SpecificationJED4 spec is complete. More efforts are necessary to define the 2018 plan. At this time, we are evaluating the available resources and possible technologies for the future implementation. Volunteers will develop the JED4 in a series of sprints. We have defined Component Creator as the tool to prototype the next iteration. The reviews and scoring functionality could remain a closed subject (only available to JED Team Members).

  • JED 4 CD/ CI: We have using Lando and Docker as the tools that help us to manage the development environment, where a dev site can be easily deployed with a full JED site and commits can be applied automatically to the target environment. Vagrant and the old images have been deprecated.

The Review Checking Process

  • The efforts to improve the process are an ongoing project and near completion.
  • Jaz and Hugh have been focused on migrating the IP Detective for the reviews over to our new server. The work is almost finished at Cologne, just a few bugs to fix. When done, we also have some new rules to put on the checker.

Developer Collaboration Process

  • Migration to Github and New JED 4 Dev Collaboration: The workflow is fully operational.

SEO Enhancements

  • Chris Wagner pointed out a regression bug that affected the SEO, and we re-applied the enhancement to solve the issue.