By Philip Walton on 2020-12-22 20:16 in Google Summer of Code Joomla Team

Benjamin Trenkle, Llewellyn van der Merwe, Shivam Rajput and Philip Walton held a meeting at 17:00 UTC on the 22 December 2020 

The agenda was as follows.

  • Intro and reason for group
  • Nomination and vote for lead and Assistant Lead
  • Review of timeline
  • Review of projects
  • Formation of chat groups and division of mentors into the groups.
  • Mentor liaison
  • GSoC Application

An election took place and Phil Walton was elected team lead with 3 votes and one abstention 

Phil Walton then asked Shivam Rajput to be assistant lead and accepted the post. 

The group then reviewed the GSoC timeline to see what lay ahead.

Next the group walked through the projects from previous years GSoC and other projects which were the good fits with Joomla 4. One of the criteria the team were looking at is that all the projects should have the potential to make it into Joomla core.

Several projects needed the eye of the Software Architecture & Strategy Team and Llewellyn van der Merwe offered to take the projects to the team the next day.

Benjamin Trenkle then suggested setting up the Glip chat room so that the mentors could communicate and agreed to do the work involved.

We discussed the number of mentors per project after reviewing the list of mentors who had agreed and how we could support mentors through the project. 

Shivam Rajput made the page.

We ended with a discussion of the GSoC Application agreeing that Phil Walton and Shivam Rajput would review the documentation over the next week and report back.

The meeting lasted 1h 20m