Five slots and a new Team Lead
By Philip Walton on 2021-05-05 22:20 in Google Summer of Code Joomla Team
What a pleasure it has been to be the team lead for Google Summer of Code.
GSoC has been a very rapid meaning curve but a rewarding one with both the mentors and the potential students being a delight.
I have messaged everyone and some have been so positive iin their responses and enthusiastic and passionate about the project that it is an inspiring and uplifting experience.
There have been some great excuses for not doing the work as well. Better than “Dog ate my essay.”
There is a real climax to finding out if we made the cut to be accepted. Then finding out if we got the slots asked for was another buildup. Both were a yes and so its with great pleasure that I have resigned as team lead and Shivam Rajput has come forward following an election to take over the running of the department. It will now be his nimble fingers ticking the boxes and clicking on the radio buttons in the google forms.
I will remain as part of the team and look forward to seeing the rest of the process through.
Well done to the over 200 students and 25 mentors and admins who have participated in GSoC
There will be five lucky winners but I hope all will stay with the community and all will benefit from their involvement and continuation of Joomla.