By on 2017-05-15 19:06 in GSoC 17 Parallel Testing

Date: 12th May 2017

Time: 05:00 (UTC / GMT) 07:00 (CEST)

Meeting was attended by: Niels Braczek, Astrid Guenther, Andrei Isac



1) Discussed pre-installed Joomla staging images

2) Discussed docker networks for the testing environment

3) Selenium docker containers integration in the Virtualisation project

4) Project management setup on GitHub Projects.



1) Pre-installed Joomla staging images

The bonus part of the project is to automatically build docker images with the staging version of joomla in order to speed up the tests. That means integrating with a CI that will build the new image and push it to docker hub every time a PR is accepted


We have something like that already in place where a 'staging' variant should be added:

Further discussions were paused because this is the bonus part of the project.


2) Docker networks for the testing environment

Network generation in the virtualisation project was discussed (


The virtualisation project prepares a complete setup based on an XML configuration file. It is able to combine setups. Different Joomla versions can share database and php servers. The generator can take several XML files at once and creates a combined setup with the minimum of services needed.


3) Selenium docker containers integration in the Virtualisation project

Added the integration of the selenium container to virtualisation repo as one the steps in the virtualisation epic.


4) Project management setup on GitHub Projects.

We have split the project in three main epics : Virtualisation, Main Coordinator, Execution Queue, and we have added a General epic for tasks that are not specific.

We have defined the flow of the tasks in each epic as follows:

  • Open - > tasks that need further clarifications

  • Ready for development

  • In Development

  • Code Review

  • Testing

  • Done


Next steps:


I will add all the tasks in the open column on github for the three main epics in order to discuss them on next meeting.