By Private Profile 54d3996a on 2018-05-18 12:44 in GSoC 18 Improve Override Management

Date: 15th May 2018

Time: 7:00 (UTC)

The meeting was attended by Anurag Kumar, Sandra Decoux, Allon Moritz, Astrid Günther



Phase: 2  According to my proposal

  • Discussing a mechanism to find correct core files which were updated in Joomla update where override exists.


Discussing the mechanism in detail :

We discussed the mechanism in detail for :

  • Override
  • Alternative Layout
  • JLayout


While discussing the mechanism of each type override we found that we have some sort of problems for finding the correct core file of Alternative Layout because in this type we change the name of the file we want and do our changes. Which makes difficult to find correct core files.

So, we decided to do this part at the end of the project if we have a time.

We only support diff view of these overrides shown below.

 1442732795 Glip Templates Customise Cassiopeia overridemanagement Administration12103194950


And this algorithm is going to implement in



Next,  part of Phase 2:  Implementation of the decided mechanism.


Reviewing timeline

The timeline of Anurag proposal is up to date.