By Private Profile 54d3996a on 2018-06-17 14:18 in GSoC 18 Improve Override Management

Date: 11th June 2018

Time: 7:00 (UTC)

The meeting was attended by Anurag Kumar, Allon Moritz



Phase: 4  According to my proposal

  • Discussing the file check function to check changed or updated files during an update. Done!
  • Create notification after an update. Done!
  • Discussing the notification to inform the user of all details. Next part
  • Override interface Next part

 Summary this meeting and previous meeting for same phase and work.

So, the most important thing is done the base functionality or backend to find updated or

changed file.

Check out this PR for more details:

In this meeting, we agree to use previously defined events to install and update of extensions. And, for Joomla update, we create our own event.

So, almost more than half of the work is done and the only thing left is override interface  ( UI ).

Next,  part is Phase 4 We continue this agenda in next meeting.

Reviewing timeline

The timeline of Anurag proposal is up to date.