Joomla GSoC 2018 - Adaptive Images Project: 2nd meeting
By Private Profile c98cb213 on 2018-05-22 04:17 in GSoC 18 Media Manager Adaptive Images
Date : 21th May 2018
Time : 17:00 UTC - 18:20 UTC
Meeting Attended by : Niels Braczek, Kasun Vithanage, Geetanshu Mathur
Agenda For the meeting
Reporting the current status of the milestone.
Getting feedback for the admin manual.
Discussing the possible approaches to solve the remaining tasks in the milestone.
Issues have to be created in the GitHub repository and respective pull request has to be made for different tasks in the milestone for efficient tracking of them.
Taking the reference from emailcloak.php the focus points can be parsed into the HTML of the page.
A new controller for media manager has to be made in order to get and set focus points for the image. It would be named as AdaptiveImageController.