By Private Profile c98cb213 on 2018-05-31 14:55 in GSoC 18 Media Manager Adaptive Images

Date: 30th May 2018

Time: 17:00 UTC - 18:45 UTC

Meeting Attended by: Niels Braczek, Kasun Vithanage, Geetanshu Mathur

Agenda For the meeting

  1. Testing for the work done in Milestone 1

  2. Discuss improvement or corrections in the code style.

  3. Progress of Milestone 2


  1. An Interface has to be made for AdaptiveImage class.

  2. Things to rethink upon

    1. Does getfocus and setfocus methods needs to be in the same class of AdaptiveImage?

    2. How would the problem of admin login sorted out while getting the focus points?

  3. Registering smart-crop with the base, so that there would be no more need of discovering and enabling individual plugin.