By Private Profile c98cb213 on 2018-07-08 17:16 in GSoC 18 Media Manager Adaptive Images

Date : 3rd July 2018

Time : 16:00 UTC - 18:00 UTC

Meeting Attended by : Niels Braczek, Kasun Vinthange, Geetanshu Mathur


Agenda For the meeting


1.Getting review on the two PR raised.

2. Discussing the approach, UI and use case of the multiple focus area for the image. Document made prior the meeting, Multiple Focus Area



1. Cleaning path and Case Matching of Controller (PR) was tested by kasun and found out to be working perfectly, so merged it into the repository.

2. Joomla cache is not used for caching of the image files(In our scenario).

3. About multiple focus “It is about allowing to set different focus areas for different target sizes”

4. So, Instead of the selecting a single focus for multiple widths, a user may select the focus for individual width. And if for some widths the focus is not selected max of all the focus is being taken into the consideration.