By Khu5h1 on 2022-08-14 19:25 in GSoC 2022 : Guided-Tour

Tasks completed in the week:

  • Followed PSR 12 Coding Standards in the project.
  • Resolved the PHPCS Errors from logs for getting the build tests passed.
  • Fixed the PHPCS Warnings from logs for getting the build tests passed.
  • Used Standard Headings for the Views and removed the tour id from the title in the steps view.
  • Removed the Overlay Option altogether from everywhere.
  • Resolved the comments for code cleanup by Brianteeman on #6.
  • Changed String value for tours and steps.
  • Replaced array function with shorthand array assignment in the entire project.
  • Fixed the indentation problem where ever required in the entire project.
  • Replaced Hard Coded Strings with Language Strings in the code.
  • Did code cleanup in the tour.xml and step.xml files.
  • Done Code Cleanup in the project.
  • Prioritized the task for next week.

Pull Request: