By Luca Marzo on 2021-03-02 15:15 in Community Magazine Team

Attendees: Anja de Crom, Sandra Decoux, Luca Marzo, Andrea Gentil.

Discussion outline

  • The team discussed the plan for the March issue.
  • Andrea will be on leave for a few weeks.
  • The team is constantly looking for new and recurring authors.
  • The team discussed a couple of initiatives to increase author engagement and find new writers.
  • Luca asked the team members to help with outreach to new authors.
  • Anja fixed the permissions of the JCM Public Channel in Glip.
  • Anja developed a new article series: Explore the Core (articles are being planned for the next issues already).
  • Anja proposed a new series of articles to increase the recognition of Joomla teams and volunteers. The series is now under development and planning.
  • Anja recruited a new regular author who will provide an article for each issue of the Magazine
  • Luca reached out to Google to remind them the opportunity to provide articles on a monthly basis for the JCM.
  • Team target is to keep publishing at least 10 articles per issue.
  • Anja's permissions needs to be adjusted in order to reflect her new role as Co-Editor.

The meeting has been adjourned after 60 minutes.