JCM Meeting Report - January 26th, 2023
By Anja de Crom on 2023-01-26 14:45 in Community Magazine Team
Attendees: Luca Marzo, Anja de Crom, Hans van der Meer (all team members), Johannes Dürscheid, Brian Teeman (present in the channel)
What did we talk about
February issue: just like the previous months, we have a good number of articles in the issue plan. And just like the previous months, we have a good variety of subjects. Most articles already have authors attached to them, two needed authors. During the meeting we assigned them to (possible) authors.
The meeting lasted 45 minutes.
Want to join a JCM meeting?
Our meetings take place in the dedicated JCM channel on Mattermost. They're chat meetings, so if people can't join us during the meeting, they can always read back. Are you curious about the JCM or what's happening there? Join us, our channel is called OR Community Magazine.
This article tells you where to find Joomla's Mattermost: https://magazine.joomla.org/all-issues/november-2022/getting-the-most-out-of-mattermost