JCM Meeting Report, October 12th, 2023
By Anja de Crom on 2023-10-12 15:50 in Community Magazine Team
Attendees: Luca Marzo, Anja de Crom, Philip Walton, Dan Atrill, Daniel Dubois
What did we talk about
This was a chat meeting to go over the content of the October issue. The usual JCM fun, people coming in and moving out the channel, and ending up with around 14 articles that will be ready on time. There's a lot of community stuff in this upcoming issue, as well as the birth of Joomla 5!
Also we took a few minutes to thank Philip Walton for being our chief as Outreach Department Coordinator, and to introduce Louise Hawkins (who couldn't be there) as our new chief.
The meeting lasted a little under an hour.
Want to join a JCM meeting?
You are more than welcome! Our meetings take place in the dedicated JCM channel on Mattermost. They're chat meetings, so if people can't join us during the meeting, they can always read back. Are you curious about the JCM or what's happening there? Join us, our channel is called OR Community Magazine.
You don't have to be a team member to join the channel. But we might ask you one fine day if you'd like to contribute to the JCM. So be prepared :)
This article tells you where to find Joomla's Mattermost: https://magazine.joomla.org/all-issues/november-2022/getting-the-most-out-of-mattermost