By Olivier Buisard on 2024-09-03 15:30 in Joomla! Enhancement Development Team

Date: Monday, August 26, 2024

Present: Benjamin, Christiane, Martin, Emmanuel, Olivier


Look through the Joomla Health Checker proposal from Phil.

Item discussed:

  • PR 43907 - Difficulties to keep up to date until merged as many changes in the code occur and endless conflicts arise.
  • Joomla Health Checker - There are 3 ideas that arose from our discussions:
    • the creation of a Joomla Certification badge that developers could receive,
    • an improved JED Checker with addtional rules that focus on B/C code (extensions would become 6.0 ready only if passes the JED Checker),
    • a health dashboard in the administrator area (maybe have a heart icon that takes different colors depending on how 'healthy' the site is) with different modules that can be added overtime and that would also agregate all the info that is already available throughout.

Action items:

  • PR 43907 - mention in the PR that the team supports the PR - need to discuss the merge of the PR as early as possible in the release cycle.
  • Go to through the Joomla Health Checker document and gather ideas on what the health dashboard should contain. 

Next Meeting: 2024-09-09 1400 UTC