By Sandra Decoux on 2020-01-22 12:44 in Marketing Team

Forum for the Future / Sunday 19th – Monday 20th

Structure Activities


  • This is not a report about the discussions held during the Forum of the Future
  • This is not a report about the marketing or product strategies 
  • It’s a report about the organizational side of things and mostly about the new marketing team.
  • A report regarding the Market Sessions held during the Forum for the Future should be published later by the persons in charge.

Sunday 19th

On Sunday afternoon, during the last session of the Market Stream, a lot of positive things happened. Eric and Sandra, from the Department, were participating in this session as well as approx. 20 other people.

We were happy to see so much enthusiasm during this session and nearly all wanted to help in an area or another.

During this important session, the goals for the year to come have been roughly finalized and written down as you can see in the picture below. 

fftf marketing 1

To be as efficient as possible, we wrote down names and email addresses of each person who wanted to help and in which area.

As most of you know, we have been struggling at finding new active and regular contributors in the marketing team. For different reasons explained last year, the leadership of the team resigned, and we didn’t succeed to find someone interested in taking over.

Thanks to this event, things are moving forward.

New Marketing Leadership

  • Jonathan Gafill has been involved in Joomla since the beginning. He already worked with some marketing members within the last years, and he has been a great asset during the market sessions of this event. Jonathan offered to take the lead of the team (if nobody else wanted to run). He offered to provide data and help with gathering user data to help the department to better define the target as well as the messages to spread. He also offered to the department the help of his designers.
  • Marianela, who has written several articles for the JCM and has been active in the JUG Guatemala before moving to the Netherlands, offered to help him as an assistant.
  • Sandra proceeded to elections in the marketing team and Jonathan has been elected as team lead.

Reactivation of the User Research & Strategy Working Group

Another great news that will help us providing a better and more targeted Marketing: Crystal Dionysopoulos offered to come back to the project to work on User Research and to lead the Marketing User Research & Strategy Working Group which we deactivated a couple of years ago for lack of activity.

Developers’ Input

Even more good news!
Nicholas Dionysopoulos offered his help to provide end-users and devs documentation for J4. George and Sandra will work on a detailed list within the next few days.
Roberto Segura is also joining marketing to be our developer liaison. There’s a lack of communication and collaboration between development and marketing, we’re often speaking different languages. We are sure that we can now work together better and be able, together, to provide a long-term product strategy and a more relevant and focused product.

New Volunteers

Here are the list of people who offered their help during this session, as well as the area(s) where they would like to help:

fftf marketing 2

Other people who are not on this list also offered their help, like Troy Hall for videos/photography and Lili Espinosa who will create a new template for our communication on Social Media and our properties.

Thank you all for volunteering in the department, whatever it’s for marketing resources localizations, social media management, liaison with local communities, local champions, copywriting…

Monday 20th

In order to be as efficient as possible, Sandra created a Glip room to gather all the new volunteers, as well as the leadership of the department, so that we can start working together asap and re-organize the team in the most efficient way possible.

  • Sandra started to provide access to the most important documents (like the detailed marketing strategy, the J4 action plans)
  • She provided a 1st list of priority tasks to the group so that new volunteers can start picking up the task they would like to work on.
  • She also provided Jonathan a long handover document to help step in and get aware of as many things as possible.

Next steps

  • Noreen, Hervé and Sandra wanted to hold a meeting before FftF but unfortunately we had to postpone it and we should hold it next week
  • A meeting will be organized between Jonathan, Marianela and Sandra so that she can guide them and share her knowledge of the department
  • Marianela is organizing a meeting with the key people of the department for the same reason and to ensure a smooth and efficient transition in the marketing team.

Other topics

As part of the department attended the Forum for the Future, we have been able to hold a meeting on Thursday 16th for more than 2 hours. A report of this meeting will be published shortly.