Minutes from Marketing Meeting - 5th July 2022
By Louise Hawkins on 2022-07-14 07:01 in Marketing Team
Marketing Minutes 5th July
Tuesday 5th July 2022, 17:00 UTC, 18:00 BST
Duration: 0 h 50 minutes
Phil Walton, Tom van del Laan, Louise Hawkins
Apologies: Mark Fleeson, Andrew Barber
1. Joomla Birthday Prize Draw Promotion: We reviewed the plan document LH had produced. Discussed prizes and Tom suggested giving away vouchers for the Joomla Shop. We all agreed this was the best way forward and will also bring awareness to the Joomla Shop. LH to create Promotion Terms and conditions for the website. PW to check that it will be possible to issue voucher codes for the Joomla Shop.
2. Organisational Structure Graphic - PW requested a new graphic on glip, nobody came forward to do this so LH will pick this up.
3. Graphics - Agreed that the best way forward in respect of the social media templates is to replicate them in illustrator by template style as opposed to the social channel. LH to make a start with the circle's template.
4. Launch.joomla / cloud access. One-click installations of Joomla 4 are still subject to database errors when trying to update. PW helped LH on one of her websites previously, it was hoped that this would be fixed but is still happening. PW to raise at next production meeting (Tuesday 12th) LH to send reminder and detail to PW
5. Joomla email addresses: A request had previously been made for Joomla email addresses for LH and AB. PW has checked and it's not possible to get any more emails until the new Google agreement is signed. PW to keep us updated.
6. 4.2 Release: PW to get the final features list so we can start artwork production.
7. Team Availability: PW is away from 15th July for two weeks, but will be able to access and action things some evenings. Tom will be taking some paternity leave from mid-end august and should only be contacted in an emergency during this time.
The next Marketing Team meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 19th July, 17:00 UTC, 18:00 BST