Marketing Minutes October 11th, 2022
By Louise Hawkins on 2022-10-17 08:02 in Marketing Team
Marketing Minutes October 11th, 2022
Tuesday 1tth October 2022 UTC 17:00 BST 18.00
Duration:50 minutes
Participants: Phil Walton, Louise Hawkins, Tom van der Laan, Andrew Barber, Asad Mithu
Apologies: Josean Telleria
1. Joomla Birthday Campaign - All travel mugs have been posted to the winners; as per the terms and conditions, we are obligated to publish a list of the winners. This can be published on the T&Cs page. LH to create the list and send it to PW to upload to the website.
2. Joomla 5 - Please put any graphic ideas in the Joomla 5 folder.
3. Release Graphics Source File Training - This will include the JUG logo source files as well. LH to post some time and date options for this.
4. Joomla Italy - Mugs have been sent to Davide Messia/ Tom to investigate if we can get some stickers printed and sent to them. It looks to be a bit tight on time for this event. General discussion on event merchandise and creating some sort of record of what is available and where it is in the world. Also discussed was producing some sort of brochure for available merchandise. Tom's supplier has by far the best pricing, as long as we have enough notice.
5. JUG Logo, LH and PW have been working with Laura to create a Joomla User Group Logo. The board has approved the logo. It will become a marketing function to provide an asset set once the user group is approved. Suggested assets are jpeg, png, and SVG for digital use without the ™ and some CMYK assets for printed material; these would include the ™ as outlined in the brand manual. Also include an SVG with the ™ as these can also be used for printing or displayed very large. LH to create a JUG folder and upload the source file and instructions.
6. Joomla Happy Holidays Video - General discussion of ideas for a Happy Holidays Video, a universal message, perhaps messages from volunteers in different languages etc.… If you have any ideas, please put them forward.
7. Social Media Channel Graphics - When reviewing the official social media channels, I noticed some disparity in the use of logos and general presentation. There is a potential query for the administrator of the LinkedIn channel, PW, to investigate.LH will suggest to the social media team that we provide a new set of profile logos and cover images to create a unified brand image.
8. Personas Survey - To date, we have had just over 200 entries. I would ideally like to get quite a few more in order to get some good insights. Hans has agreed to post on social media channels. LH to post in the channel that a graphic is required.
9. New Team Member - We potentially have a new team member, Josh. It was discussed that the newsletter could be a good starting point, with the possibility of working towards the Social Media Team.
The next Marketing Team meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 25th October, 17:00 UTC, 18:00 BST.