Marketing Minutes July 4th, 2023
By Louise Hawkins on 2023-07-07 10:16 in Marketing Team
Marketing Minutes July 4th, 2023
Tuesday July 4th 2023 UTC 17:00 GMT 18.00
Duration: 50 minutes
Participants:, Louise Hawkins, Philip Walton (in-part), Tom van der Laan, Maria Skampoura, Harald Leithner
Apologies: Joshua Hawkins, Philip Walton
Review of previous minutes…
1. Joomla 5 Design Challenge: This was the main topic of conversation for the evening. The publication of the previous minutes which suggested using Yootheme Pro as an aid for the Joomla 5 landing page prompted quite a heated discussion in the OR Joomla 5 Challenge channel.
Harald joined us for the meeting and expressed his concerns over using third parties as previously this has proved troublesome.
It would seem that the majority want to see the Joomla 5 Landing page using core Joomla; and as Crystal has kindly offered to create the template in core, the final design should be built using core Joomla and custom fields.
If however, team members want to use Yootheme pro for prototyping purposes, that seems reasonable.
What is important now is to finalise the design and content, which should satisfy existing users who just want to find that download button and convert new users. We also need to form a team to execute the project. PH is to contact those who have contributed to date individually. We should also post again in other channels to see if anyone else wants to get involved.
2. Gelato: No further update at present
3. Market Research - email sent to see if there is a potential discount available.
4. Social Media: Mike said previously that he would be able to help with the Instagram magazine article graphics each month. LH to provide instructions along with the current template etc.
5. Joomla Foundation:
No further update at present
6. New Joomla administrator colour scheme required.
Harald has requested that we look at creating a new colour scheme for Joomla Administration for Joomla 4.4 and beyond. The colours should take into consideration the addition of the proposed dark mode. Tom has agreed to look at this. Harald needs the colours within the next 4-6 weeks. Item added to next meeting's agenda for discussion and finalisation.
The next Marketing Team meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 18th July, 17:00 UTC, 18:00 BST.