By Louise Hawkins on 2023-07-28 10:20 in Marketing Team

Marketing Minutes July 18th, 2023

Tuesday July 18th 2023 UTC 17:00 GMT 18.00


Duration: 50 minutes
Participants:, Louise Hawkins, Philip Walton, Maria Skampoura, Robin Clapp

Apologies: Joshua Hawkins, Tom Van der Laan, Mike Kritzer


Review of previous minutes…

1. Joomla 5 Design Challenge: 

We need to form a team to push this forward and a team leader, PH to set up an instance of YooTheme Pro that would be accessible for members to work on the design easily. Phil demonstrated yoo them proas some of have never used it. Using Yoo theme pro to construct the final design also allows the export of the CSS which we could then pass on to Crystal. We could contact Elisa and ask if she could export her design so we could make some changes. 

2. Gelato: No further update at present

3. Market Research - The market research tool previously demonstrated do offer a discount for non-profit The cost would be $600 instead of $1000 (thanks to Mike for suggesting I ask) I am going to book a demo as I do believe that this software could prove really useful.

4. Social Media: Mike said previously that he would be able to help with the Instagram magazine article graphics each month. LH to provide instructions along with the current template etc. Update: I have created a card for this job, but there have been issues with Mattermost as images and attachments keep disappearing! 

5. Joomla Foundation:

No further update at present

6. New Joomla administrator colour scheme required.

Harald has requested that we look at creating a new colour scheme for Joomla Administration for Joomla 4.4 and beyond. The colours should take into consideration the addition of the proposed dark mode. Tom has agreed to look at this. Harald needs the colours within the next 4-6 weeks. 

Update: item not discussed as Tom could not make the meeting, for discussion at the next meeting.

7. Notifications of Upcoming Events within the Joomla Dashboard

Robin previously shared an example of Wordpress events notifications within the Wordpress dashboard. Her suggestion is to have something similar as a module that could be turned off by the user if wanted. Phil said that he has pushed for this previously, stumbling blocks were we should show events based on locations. This then spurred a discussion on timezones and having the information in other languages. We all agreed this is a great idea and LH will make a card on the Living Agenda board so it doesn’t get forgotten.

The next Marketing Team meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 1st August 2023, 17:00 UTC, 18:00 BST.