Trademark Team Report - September 15, 2017
By Luca Marzo on 2017-09-15 16:54 in Trademark & Licensing Team
This report is to announce the progress of Trademark & Licensing Team, no meeting has been held today.
Progress & Achievements
- A new ticket system has been installed, accessible at Ticket system change was necessary due to several technical issues of the previous one.
- The old ticket system will be used as internal reference and archive.
- All the tickets in the old system that needs to be addressed, will be moved to the new one.
- Tickets will be organized in 3 categories: Trademark Requests, Domain/Website Requests, Audit / Complaints.
- The ticket categorization reflects the new structure of the team that will have Trademark Specialists, Domain Specialists, TM Auditors.
- Luca, Jenn and Deb will cover Trademark and Domain sections while we onboard other team members.
- Claire, Ugur and Subodh are working as Auditor and their training is almost at the end.
- TM Auditors and Luca worked on a new version of the audit form used to perform the compliance analysis and verification of websites that use one of the Joomla! Trademarks.
- Jenn and Luca worked on a "Trademark Policy for new TLD domains", in order to regulate the registration of domains that includes one of the Joomla trademarks. This document has been submitted to the OSM Board of Directors for evaluation and approval.
- The call for volunteers will be open, so new volunteers are welcome to join us in this rebuilding process!
- Volunteers can submit their application simply writing an email to