By Todd Woodward on 2021-11-20 15:20 in Joomla User Groups Team


Scheduled duration: 1 hour


Participants: Laura Gordon, Abdulkadir Sheshu, Todd Woodward, Benjamin Trenkle

Absent with notice:

Absent without notice: Davide Messia

Items for November 22, 2021

  1. Report on JUG organizer meetings - Laura

    1. Next JUG organizer meetings:

      1. February 3, 2022 at 10:00 PM EST

      2. February 5, 2022 at 11:30 AM EST

    2. Need to develop JUG logo

      1. Include Joomla logo/name Todd Woodward will work on this and report back before December meeting

    3. Virtual JUGs

      1. Remove geographic requirement in application form - Todd Woodward

    4. Trouble Tickets

      1. Ahmed Moussa currently closing tickets - show team how to close tickets

      2. Uses RSTicketsPro

  2. Change of December JUG Team meeting date

    1. Monday, December 13, 2021 at 12:00 PM EST (1600 UTC).

    2. Laura Gordon will check with Claire and Philip to see if they can attend to discuss JUG logo options.

  3. Review of current tasks.

    1. Watch the video of Laura’s presentation and send to JUG contacts.

    2. Todd Woodwardwill add video and PDFs to team site once reviewed and approved by the team.

    3. Laura Gordon - Email notification system for JUG organizers. Possibly send via

  4. Goal setting for 2022.

    1. Table until December 2021 meeting.

    2. Next meeting Monday, December 13, 2021 at 1730 UTC.

Meeting adjourned at 18:30 UTC