Meeting Minutes - February 18, 2022
By Todd Woodward on 2022-02-21 19:14 in Joomla User Groups Team
Participants: Todd Woodward, Davide Messia
Absent with notice: Abdulkadir Shehu, Laura Gordon, Benjamin Trenkle, Ahmad Moussa
Goals for 2022
Regularly Scheduled (quarterly) JUG Organiser Meetings
Develop process for JUG approval
Develop an approval checklist
Set processes for ticket response.
Develop updated documentation and possible video instructions for the process
Standards for JUG logo and correct usage.
Updating JUG documentation
2023 - set up the ability for JUGs to make certain updates without ticketings.
Items for February 18, 2022
NOTE: Since there were two out of the six team members, discussion on agenda items was tabled to the March meeting.
Review of current tasks in process
Develop JUG logo and site branding standards. Joomla Registered Usergroup logo should link back to’s User Group page
Philip Waltonwill design the logo. He will discuss with Luca Marzo, and OSM will have to review. Laura Gordon: Philip and Claire are working on the logo.
Todd Woodward: Talk to OSM about bringing in JUG Team when correcting a JUG for improper trademark use
Joomla YouTube channel: way for JUGs to get their videos
Processing Trouble Tickets - Todd Woodward will discuss with Ahmad Moussa
Ahmad Moussa currently closing tickets - show team how to close tickets
Uses RSTicketsPro
Wilco has granted expanded access to JUG Team members
Need to create a document, and process video to shop/demo steps
February JUG Organiser Meetings - Recap
Next meeting: March 18, 2022 at 1730 UTC