By Jennifer Gress on 2016-10-04 19:06 in Joomla User Groups Team

In attendance:

Djamel Kherbi
Jenn Gress
Rowan Hoskyns-Abrahall
Brian Ronnow
Bruce Valle

No Shows:
Helvecio da Silva
Eric Lamy
Alejandro Pascoli

1. Went over pending listings

2. Brian Ronnow is the new Assistant Team Lead! Yay for Brian! Thank you for your service!

3. Rowan to crunch some data and get the email to organisers to review their listings out by end of week

4. Djamel to follow up with Alejandro one more time

5. Tabled until next meeting: Eric to do mag article to encourage new JUGs

Next meeting 18 October 2016. Brian to lead the meeting. Bruce to take minutes.