By Jennifer Gress on 2017-01-17 20:39 in Joomla User Groups Team

In attendance:
Djamel KherbiBrian Ronnow
Rowan Hoskyns-Abrahall
Luca Marzo
Jenn Gress
Eric Lamy

Duke Speer

No show:
Bruce Valle
Daniel Dubois

  1. Rowan to get our mailing out today.
  2. Listings are all on target.
  3. Rowan to submit the budget by the end of the month.
  4. Jenn to work on this week and determine next steps.
  5. Rowan and Jenn to work on a logo for the JUG Team to use in the magazine.
  6. Jenn to start doing the JUG Round Ups for the JCM again.
  7. Adding Certification Exam details to newsletters to open up JUGs to have certification sessions.
  8. Rowan created a new Doodle so we can see what other time options there are for us to meet and get everyone there.