By Jaz Parkyn on 2020-03-25 16:58 in Joomla! Volunteer Engagement Team

Participants: Andrea Gentil, Chris Keen, Davide Messia, Jaz Parkyn, Brain Mitchell
Apologies: Darek Snieg, Guillermo Bravo, Laura Gordon

Detailed information about each of the below proposals can be found here:

Proposal 1: Call to Actions on homepage

Following conversations with the Marketing teams, the proposal has been re-worked and is now looking to complete some changes on the community section of the current homepage, and to modify the homepage of the community portal.

Proposal 2: Reformat JUG rules to allow Virtual User Groups


Feedback has been received from the JUG organisers and the proposal seems have gone down well. Jaz attended a JUG team meeting where further feedback was positive and Djamel is going to look into how best to change the rules to support the proposal. The proposal has now been handed over to the JUG team / Events DC, but the we will continue to support where possible if necessary.

Proposal 3: Establish Content Creator Exam

A second draft of the proposal has been wirtten following feedback received by the JCP team to better reflect their comments and amendments. The proposal depends almost completely on the availability of the new JCP platform.

Proposal 4: Educational Outreach & Engagement

In collaboration with the Educational Outreach Working Group, an informal meeting was organised during which various community members shared their updates about their own involvement within the sector, both past, present and future. The working group aims to curate existing resources and provide encouragement and assistance to anyone looking to improve education about Joomla.