By Private Profile 12e2a7ef on 2020-04-15 18:22 in Joomla! Volunteer Engagement Team

Volunteer Engagement Team Meeting 

April 7th, 2020 at 18:00:00  UTC

Scheduled length of time: 1 hour

Participants: Chris Keen, Marco Dings, Niels Braczek, Laura Gordon

Apologies: Davide Messia , Jaz Parky, Rowan Hoskyns Abrahall, Luca Marzo, Eric Lamy, Vikas Pisal, Andrea Gentil

Discussion points:

Community Engagement Survey: In 2017, Joomla partnered with Peakon (UK company) to hold surveys into the feelings and thoughts of the community regarding various 'drivers' for volunteering and the working of the Joomla Community. These survey results have recently been brought together in a report which gives insight into how the community felt in 2017. 
This report was discussed and we are deciding if and how to use this information to improve the community now.

Joomla Magazine: Andrea Gentil, Luca Marzo and Chris Keen have been interviewing various members of the community, including new board members or those changong roles, to promote the VET's 3 R's (Recruitment, Retention and Reward). In the April and May editions of the magazine there will also be interviews with some 'hidden gems', hard working but 'invisible' volunteers within the community.

Social Medai promotion: The VET has worked together with the Marketing and Social Media teams to promote volunteering and use of Joomla during the current 'Corona times'.

Onboarding new volunteers: The VET is working on 'onboarding' information for new volunteers. This will include for example, links to the 'structure' of the OSM and the Community (Departments and Teams),  documentation, rules and regulations, how to guides (e.g. Glip) and where to find help (e.g. the VET).

Barrier: At this moment to contact a team, to volunteer or ask questions for example, means someone needs to have an Volunteers Portal account (or needs to make one). This is possibly a barrier to potential volunteers making a first contact with Joomla, we will see if there is a possible workaround for this.

JUGS: We discussed the current members of the JUGs team. This team is small (5 members) and does not include many actual JUG leaders. We think that including more JUG leaders, and by using their knowledge and experience this would be useful for the team. Marco will bring this suggestion to the board.

VET team members: It was also noted that there are currently non-active team members of the VET. Of course we welcome broad participation in the VET, but expect members to be active and contribute.
Current members will be shortly asked to express their interest and level of participation in the VET, to hopefully improve the work of the VET.

Schedule VET monthly meeting: Shortly current VET members will be polled to determine a suitable fixed date/day and time for the monthly VET meeting.