VET: monthly team meeting - 27th April 2020
By Private Profile ac3990a1 on 2020-05-04 14:40 in Joomla! Volunteer Engagement Team
Volunteer Engagement Team Meeting
April 27th, 2020 at 17:00:00 UTC
Scheduled length of time: 1 hour
Participants: Davide Messia (TL), Chris Keen (ATL), Marco Dings, Laura Gordon, Jaz Parkyn, Luca Marzo, Derek Snieg, Benjamin Trenkle, Marco Dings, David Aswani.
Apologies: Vikas Pisal
Discussion points:
Davide : a kind but important remember that we are representing Joomla!.
Please use and encourage polite language and conversation.
Volunteer “Help Wanted” page: request to all Department liaisons: please check and update the open positions on the Volunteer Portal.
Jaz introduced a ‘Team survey’ form to help volunteers to choose their roles within various teams. This has been rolled out in all the Programs Department teams and will be offered to all teams as a way of gaining and measuring volunteer involvement.
Patience Nekesa - has joined as the Operations Department representative.
Marianela Quememe - has joined as Marketing Department representative.
The team has started using ‘Trello’ for VET task / issue management.
The April edition of the Magazine included amongst others interviews with’ hidden gems’ as part of our plan to promote our volunteers
Laura has shared several idea to improve the help wanted page. Chris will take this up with The Volunteers Portal team.
Activities April 2020
1.Working on the VET mission and vision statements and docs, using content from the original 2017 presentation by Luca at the JWC17.
2. Waiting for the results of the ‘team survey’(closes 26th April) before updating the Volunteer Portal to reflect these and review VET roles
3. Preparing ‘onboarding’ documentation to be shared with TL’s and new volunteers. Chris is working with members of the Magazine team working on documents they also need, such as basic GitHub instructions.
4. Jaz wrote a piece regarding help wanted for a few open volunteer roles which has been the subject of a Social Media campaign.
The monthly VET meeting is now scheduled for the last Monday of every month at 17:00 UTC.