Volunteer Engagement Team: team Meeting - July 27th 2020
By Private Profile 12e2a7ef on 2020-08-03 18:25 in Joomla! Volunteer Engagement Team
Volunteer Engagement Team Meeting Report
July 27th, 2020 at 17:00:00 UTC
Scheduled length of time: 1 hour
Participants: Davide Messia, Benjamin Trenkle, David Aswani & Chris Keen
Apologies: Laura Gordon & Marco Dings
Updates/Proposed Topics:
VET processes and documents
Davide and Chris will restart work on the following documents and hopefully present them for review before the next team meeting
- VET Mission and Vision statements (including VET role and tasks)
- VET roadmap
- Onboarding process and documents
Volunteers Portal Help Wanted page
The Help Wanted page has been modified, the text has been change from "Apply" to "More info" and an extra "Contact" button has been added.
Attracting new volunteers:
The team discussed using existing resources to attract new volunteers.
Joomla User Groups (JUGs)
Davide and Benjamin Trenkle have already had a meeting with Brian Rønnow (JUG Team Leader)
The VET will progress this idea further, one of the ideas is providing a ‘Volunteer’ presentation that JUG leaders can use in their meetings.
Google Summer of Code (GSoC) applicants
Every year Joomla receives many applications for GSoC candidates, some are selected, others rejected. A possible VET initiative could be to interact with these applicants during this process to get them involved with Joomla. This would be beneficial to both J! and the applicants.