Volunteer Engagement Team: team Meeting - August 31st 2020
By Private Profile ac3990a1 on 2020-09-14 13:15 in Joomla! Volunteer Engagement Team
VET Meeting Minutes
August 31st 2020, 6pm UTC
Participants: Davide Messia, Benjamin Trenkle, David Aswani, Chris Keen, Marianela Queme, Daniel Dubois, Laura Gordon, Hugh Douglas-Smith
Apologies: Luca Marzo, Niels Braczek
Absent without notice: Rowan Hoskyns Abrahall, Vikas Pisal, Patience Nekesa, Marco Dings, Darek Śnieg, Justina Michallek, Brian Mitchell
Welcome to our new liaison team members - Hugh.
Davide started the meeting off by welcoming the new team member and shared the draft of the vision for the team created by Chris. The aim is to go for the three “R”: Recognition, Retention and Recruitment. The team was asked to read and comment on the draft to bring it to a final version.
An onboarding process, which is a living document and will be finalized asap needs feedback.
Laura made an introduction of the Joomla! Student Club which is a concept from Ruchika. Going to support this concept Davide will try to bring the big player from GSoC, VET, Educational Outreach Working Group and JUG together to discuss with Ruchika.
This leads to a new approach by not sending new volunteers to different people in the Joomla! Universe but to contact the target person and let make them the contact (because it could be hard to contact if you’re new)
Then Marianela took over talking about the need for new volunteers in the marketing team.
Beside that the reconstruction of the “help wanted” page of the volunteers portal should be continued. Laura, Davide and Chris will come up with a first concept, which data are important and needed. The second step should then be the details page, like contact teams without login.
A second point from Marianela was the suggestion that we send out postcards to volunteers as “thank you”. She will come up with a suggestion how to do so.
A volunteer is needed to write the monthly Joomla! Magazine community opening article. Approx. 3-5h per month are needed. We search internally but if someone is interested, please contact the VET.
Patrick Jackson suggested a lot of great ideas which will be evaluated and we're planning to give feedback asap. So everyone is asked to read the document.
A big thank you to Laura for kickstarting the JUG project. An idea from Marianela was to feed the JUG organiser group with important topics they should bring into their JUG meeting (like new features like API). This can happen in the JUG organiser meeting.
Members are asked to update their profile on the volunteer portal to get activated again.
Probably a new time slot will be defined for the meetings to have more participants.