Volunteer Engagement Team: Meeting - September 28th 2020
By Davide Messia on 2020-11-04 21:30 in Joomla! Volunteer Engagement Team
Volunteer Engagement Team Meeting Agenda
September 28th, 2020 at 17:00:00 UTC
Scheduled length of time: 1 hour
Participants: Davide Messia, Benjamin Trenkle, Chris Keen, Patrick Jackson, Shirielle Williams, Marianela Queme
Apologies: Laura Gordon, Hugh Douglas-Smith, Luca Marzo, Niels Braczek
Absent without notice: David Aswani, Daniel Dubois, Vikas Pisal, Marco Dings, Brian Mitchell
Special thanks to the volunteers that have decided to leave the team:
Justina Michallek, Darek Śnieg, Patience Nekesa and Rowan Hoskyns Abrahall
Welcome to new members:
Benjamin Trenkle, Patrick Jackson, Shirielle "SD" Williams, Ruchika Nagarkar
Help Wanted Page
Team: Laura Gordon, Chris Keen, Benjamin Trenkle, Patrick Jackson
Action Items:
- Create personas and evaluate the ‘who’ for help wanted
- Laura will create interview questions, by 9/25
- Will ask team to each ‘interview’ 2-3 people, so we have a good sampling of interviews
- Build personas from these interviews
- Build Journey Maps from the interviews
- Early November, determine exactly WHAT should be included in Help wanted (and WHY)
- By mid november work with Marketing Team to build a new ‘design’, or work directly with coders to submit Github request for adjustments
Phase 2 → discuss the ‘volunteer portal’, what can we do to make it better? (or in parallel, different team)
Joomla Student Club
Meeting on Saturday with educational outreach team
Topic: global onboarding and education process
Chris, Ruchika, Shirielle, Benjamin - Joomla Student Club initial discussion
Postcard project
Marianela has shared 2 different design for the postcard
Patrick Jackson has done a great job in the github page
Discussed the opportunity :
- To have a rotation in meeting time so to have active also people from different timezone
- To have a working group for the Onboarding process
- To have a working group for the Magazine Community Opening article