Volunteer Engagement Team: Meeting October 26th 2020
By Davide Messia on 2020-11-04 22:24 in Joomla! Volunteer Engagement Team
Volunteer Engagement Team Meeting Minutes
October 26th, 2020 at 11:00:00 UTC
Scheduled length of time: 1 hour
Participants: Davide Messia, Patrick Jackson, Shirielle Williams, Marianela Queme, Laura Gordon, Niels Braczek, Wilco Alsemgeest, Jaz Parkyn
Apologies: Hugh Douglas-Smith, Luca Marzo, Chris Keen, Marco Dings
Absent without notice: Benjamin Trenkle, David Aswani, Daniel Dubois, Brian Mitchell, Ruchika Nagarkar
Postcard project
Send a New Years card to all volunteers, Marieanela will come up with a different design / slightly different message.
Next Steps: Marianela will design and create the wording (since it’s ‘Happy 2021’’). Should be signed by all of the ‘Board Members’
Help wanted page analysis
Laura, Patrick, Chris, Benjamin, Davide are working on this
Created interview questions, finding a total of 10 people to conduct 2-3 interviews each
Meeting with volunteers November 6, 2020
Hope to have interviews completed by the end of november.
Then will analyse and discuss next steps (personas, goals)
We will be able to utilize these personas for other projects that the team may have.
On Boarding
SD, Chris, Davide, Patrick
They are still working on this task.
JSC - Joomla Student Club
the group will be in the Educational Outreach Working Group
Meeting Time
10 day before the meeting all the team will discuss if have in written or video mode and the UTC that fits to all
JCM Community Openings
The working group has been created. The focus is remind to all the joomlers that the article need to be ready by the 10th of the month. Davide, SD and Patrick are available to help to arrange a description