By Patrick Jackson on 2021-04-06 03:35 in Joomla! Volunteer Engagement Team

Participants: Patrick Jackson, Davide Messia, Laura Gordon, Chris Keen, Llewellyn van der Merwe, Benjamin Trenkle, Shirielle Williams,  Marianela Queme
Apologies: Niels Braczek, Luca Marzo, Philip Walton, Marco Dings
Absent without notice:  Hugh Douglas-Smith, David Aswani, Mark Bender


  • Meetings will now remain at 21:00 UTC rather than alternating time slots following finding many European team members are not able to make video meetings during business hours.

  • Though VET Project teams have not met in March, an extraordinary amount of engagement has been done this month by team members directly and indirectly in the project.

    • Several members of VET who are JUG coordinators have now joined the Events and JUG team and are working to update the direction of those teams. Congratulations to Shirielle Williams on election as Events Team TL.

    • GSoC 2021 organisation team is made up primarily of VET members, and they’re busy working with the mentor group with onboarding over 150 students. As only 4 will become successful GSoC students, in onboarding students we’re encouraging

Project Teams:

  • Help Wanted

    • Two stages are being worked on for the next phase:

      • Short Term Revamp of the Contribute to Joomla page will update the information on getting involved short term before the second phase update.

      • Longer Term Revamp will add some interactive filtering to the Contribute to Joomla page to allow users to self-guide through finding ways they can contribute based on their availability and interests. The second phase will also look to change some features on the JVP to better facilitate volunteers being able to contact teams and reliably receive back a response from team leaders.

  • Company Engagement

    • A range of discussions are underway to identify programs and opportunities that Joomla can further leverage to develop corporate engagement programs for contributions, sponsorships and other activities.

  • Community Openings

    • Difficult to tell if the articles are getting anyone filling positions. Articles will be continuing as it’s a point of contact, but the format may further evolve and other channels will start to be employed.

    • Looking to value add to JCM Meet a Joomla articles to include a footer on those articles to recruit volunteers. Discussing with JCM team for ways to implement.

  • Onboarding Project

    • Convening again in April to move on with requirements for improving Joomla’s onboarding process.

Meeting closed 21:04 UTC Next meeting 20:00 UTC 26 April 2021.