Volunteer Engagement Team: Meeting July 26 2021
By Patrick Jackson on 2021-08-02 23:29 in Joomla! Volunteer Engagement Team
Participants: Patrick Jackson, Davide Messia, Laura Gordon, Philip Walton, Shirielle Williams
Apologies: Chris Keen, Benjamin Trenkle
Absent without notice: Llewellyn van der Merwe, Mark Bender, Hugh Douglas-Smith, Niels Braczek, Luca Marzo, Jaz Parkyn, Marianela Queme, Hugh Douglas-Smith, Marco Dings, David Aswani
Volunteer Engagement Team - General Business
- June meeting was informal so no report will be published.
- Budget requests were approved by the board in June per requests discussed in our May meeting. Team are invited to now determine projects for the coming year.
- A motion was carried regarding Department Representatives in the VET:
- Department Representatives are not required to directly attend VET meetings any further. The role of Department Representative will be retired going forward.
- Department Coordinators and Members can approach the VET and are welcome to join and attend any VET meeting to put forward projects and communicate requirements for their departments.
- The impetus for this decision is that over the past 18 months, Department Representatives have rarely attended VET meetings, nor contributed to conversations in the VET channel. With the current makeup of the VET including members from most departments, the flow of information now reverses with the VET going back to departments going forward through team members.
Help Wanted Assessment Project
- Previously called the Help Wanted task, the team has been renamed for clarity as it transitions into the next two stages:
- Information collected in the assessment interviews will be available to VET teams to shape activities relating to recruitment.
- Feedback is already being incorporated into the Onboarding Task to shape changes it's making to both the Contribute to Joomla page as well as the onboarding process.
Company Engagement Project
- A discussion as to whether to keep this project active or put it on hold was had, and the team chose to continue moving forward with the project, aiming to make more progress in the final quarter of the year.
- Suggestions were made in VET meeting about looking at the scope of the project: It can perhaps grow significantly to incorporate a wider set of related opportunities. Opportunities are interdepartmental. Some suggestions made:
- Look to have marketing focus some activities to reengage developers and promote Joomla 4 (Marketing Dept)
- Look to drive interactions with Joomla Sponsors (Legal & Finance)
- Look to have focused mini development projects to resolve roadblocks or speed up enhancements (Production)
- Create sponsored event series (Events)
Onboarding Project
- Roadmap is progressing. Team meets 02:00UTC 2nd Sunday of each month (Team is Australia and USA currently. Times can change if anyone wants to assist with the project).
- Significant work scheduled in coming weeks on updates to the Contribute to Joomla on joomla.org
Community Openings
- VET are frustrated by Community Openings articles not recruiting a lot of new people, so the articles will be concentrating more on explaining Joomla's volunteer mechanisms eg how to become a Member, rather than listing job opportunities.
- Once new Contribute to Joomla page is configured, it will become easier to promote roles for volunteers and also to onboard them.
Meeting closed 22:00UTC Next Meeting: Monday August 23 2021 at 21:00UTC