JWC Meeting Minutes: 13th February 2017 at 18:00 UTC
By Private Profile 9ad3e0f0 on 2017-02-15 21:21 in Joomla! World Conference Team
Participants: Ronni K. Gothard Christiansen, TJ Baker, Brian Peat, Davide Messia , Rowan Hoskyns Abrahall, Mike Demo
Apologies: Jerri Christiansen
Team internal overall goals for 2017:
Team will operate under more decentralized mandates for each role and function.
Vacant positions:
Focus on recruiting vacant team positions specially Design Lead and Marketing Leads. All vacant positions can be found on the Volunteer Portal on the following link: https://volunteers.joomla.org/teams/world-conference-team
Applications to join the team can be made using the following form:
https://docs.google.com/a/community.joomla.org/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeqR4RHXjHudIZc8x4ojic2Bn-ofGFNCc0fuMbJyAxFWxFoUg/viewform -
TJ will reach out to potential Design Lead.
Venue contract should be signed by end of February. Rowan traveling there to clarify details and get final proposal in place 21/22nd February.
Aim for design is 8th March.
Aim for website delivered by 31st March.
Release keynotes between 1st may and 30th June while selling blind bird.
Add detailed timeline with Call for speakers / Keynote speakers etc. Coordinate with Marketing Lead.
Live interpreters:
Rowan is getting proposals on translators.
Potential online service with App - Rowan has a meeting setup.
Main room + 1 more track covered by simultaneous translation.
- Brian is pending details from Venue contract etc. and will start planning based on that.
Jerri stepping down as webmaster, Rowan taking up role.
Requirements document to be produced in time for next meeting
Must be easy to use both for visitors and team, we will aim to use core as much as possible.
Mike Demo has SponsEasy microsite ready when venue contract is “locked”.
Once venue contract goes final give “old” sponsors 1-2 weeks to sign up.
HostingCon - Offering JWC sponsor packages there, Robert Jacobi and Jay Blaq attending.
Speakers & Program:
TJ will work on pre-populating Keynote ideas and prepare call for speakers.
TJ to reach out to potential keynotes also through contacts from former years.
3 Onsite liaisons who can nurse the 3 external keynoters and make them feel a part of our community / a good experience.
Davide will try and reach out to the Italian Cultural Allowance program to see if we qualify for cultural outreach. See here for more info.
Next Meeting:
Next meeting on the 27th February