Feb 6th 2016 - JRD Working Group Session
By Private Profile 2636970a on 2016-02-06 00:00 in Resource Directory Team
Today we pushed live a new version of the JRD with many improvements.
This is phase 1 of our plan to streamline the website and cleanup load time issues and user experience issues. It included:
- Version 2 of the Geo Radius search to improve the search experience for Registered Joomla Providers.
- Removing the original archive directory and many other installs of Joomla.
- Making the categories of providers more prominent and styled closer to that of the JED.
- Updating the template to the newest issue.
- Updating the core libraries in Joomla.
- Cleaning up the translations and preparing for the launch of the JRD in Portugeuse.
Thanks to everyone who attended this 4 hour session! (Dawn, Chad, Ron, Chris, Chris, Tyler, Deb, and Soren)
We are recruiting volunteers to assist with styling the site, adding the tag features for expanded searchability, translations to additional languages, and to lead the next generation of JRD'ers, so email me at dawn.russell@resources.joomla.org if you are interested.