By Jaz Parkyn on 2020-07-08 08:38 in Programs

Joomla Programs Department Meeting

7th July, 2020 at 17:00:00  UTC

Participants: Jaz Parkyn, Davide Messia, Chris Keen, Andrea Gentil, Todd Woddward
Apologies: Wilco Alsemgeest


  • Dept 

    • Jaz informed the teams of their approved budget requests for the new financial year.

    • The teams reviewed the quarterly report and have confirmed that Jaz has accurately written about their progress. The report will now be sent to Luca for publishing.

  • JCP 

    • The team briefly discussed the annual review of the exam prices and will review this further at the next meeting.

    • Two exam requests have been received for the coming weeks.

    • The team discussed the status of the new platform in their last meeting. Their aim is to transfer the current J!3 Administrator exam to the new platform as soon as possible. Any additional functionality for updating or creating new exams, for example, J!4 exams, these can be developed later without delaying the implementation of the new platform.


  • VET 

    • The team are working on the “onboarding process” for new volunteers starting with the ‘help wanted’ page on VJO.

    • They are also discussing with Elisa Foltyn the idea of creating an online event to bring together new Joomlers.

    • Jaz requested to handover the magazine article ‘Community Openings’ to another team member now that she has established the article format.

  • JEO

    • Todd reported that the team members have excitement and energy to get going and are exploring various ideas for their program.

    • In their next team meeting they hope to explore ideas further and start to collate resources in the team’s Google Drive.

    • SD Williams has been selected as Assistant WG Leader.

    • Jaz suggested to Todd that he creates a recurring event on Google Calendar to help team members plan their schedules.

    • Todd will update her status on the Volunteer Portal and will post the minutes from the last meeting.