By Luca Marzo on 2016-04-21 14:01 in Certification Operations Team

The Joomla! Certification Operation Team (COT) meets every Thursday at 1:00 PM GMT. This meeting was held on April 21st, 2016 on Glip.

Team members

In attendance: Patrick Jungbluth, Luca Marzo, Arjen Schrijvers, Pablo Pantoja, Richard Van Tilborg, Andre Dreier.

Absents: Chris Keen, Hector Mansilla, Deb Cinkus, Johan Van der Velde, Todd Woodward, Sam Suresh.

Discussion Outline

  • Team discussed about the decision from the Steering to disallow extra charges to the exam fee for JUGs.

  • Team announced a Certification Exam Session at J and Beyond in Barcelona, next month.

  • During last Steering Meeting contracts were send back to the lawyers for the final review. Hopefully they will be ready next week.

  • Last week Certification Marketing Team announced the Badge for the Administrator Exam certified users.

  • Platform Team is working hard to complete Certified Users Directory.

  • Candidates that attend exam sessions at JoomlaDays and events will pay for the exam directly via the Platform.

  • Team created a brainstorming document about the Welcome Pack for JLPs that will be developed by the Certification Marketing Team.

  • Team discussed about a digital sign issue. In some countries digital sign for contracts is not officially recognized. We can allow applicants in those countries to print, sign, stamp, scan and send back PDF contracts.

  • Luca tried to get in touch with JRD Team to ask for a category for JLPs, but no answers at the moment. Patrick will try again.

  • Pablo, Todd, Richard and Johan will process applications as Regional Coordinators next days.


All of these meeting notes are not final and cannot be used as reference.

Meeting ends after 120 minutes.