By Luca Marzo on 2016-05-04 21:04 in Trademark & Licensing Team

The Joomla! Trademark & Licensing Working Group (TLWG) meets once a month. This meeting was held on May 4th, 2016 at 10.00 p.m. (CET) on Glip.


Team members

Presents: Marco Richter, Marijke Stuivenberg, Luca Marzo, Jenn Gress.

Absents: Deb Cinkus, Duke Speer, Victor Drover, Wilmar Meijer

Discussion Outline

  • Team opened a call for volunteers in mid April and just 4 applications received. Team will keep the call open for the current month.

  • Trademark & Licensing Working Group needs motivated volunteers that, after a short training, will be able to process tasks.

  • Team will improve the application form, to better explain what team is looking for.

  • Team will interview the actual applicants via email.

  • Team discussed on how to process trademark logo/domain violations. A “How to process violations” document is being arranged for that.

  • Team discussed also about the policy to process creativity compliance with trademark rules.

  • Team will start to meet twice a month.


All of these meeting notes are not final and cannot be used as reference.

Meeting ends after 65 minutes.