TLWG Meeting Report - May 04, 2016
By Luca Marzo on 2016-05-04 21:04 in Trademark & Licensing Team
The Joomla! Trademark & Licensing Working Group (TLWG) meets once a month. This meeting was held on May 4th, 2016 at 10.00 p.m. (CET) on Glip.
Team members
Presents: Marco Richter, Marijke Stuivenberg, Luca Marzo, Jenn Gress.
Absents: Deb Cinkus, Duke Speer, Victor Drover, Wilmar Meijer
Discussion Outline
Team opened a call for volunteers in mid April and just 4 applications received. Team will keep the call open for the current month.
Trademark & Licensing Working Group needs motivated volunteers that, after a short training, will be able to process tasks.
Team will improve the application form, to better explain what team is looking for.
Team will interview the actual applicants via email.
Team discussed on how to process trademark logo/domain violations. A “How to process violations” document is being arranged for that.
Team discussed also about the policy to process creativity compliance with trademark rules.
Team will start to meet twice a month.
All of these meeting notes are not final and cannot be used as reference.
Meeting ends after 65 minutes.