Volunteers Portal - October 2020 report
By Private Profile d5722433 on 2020-10-07 18:21 in Volunteers Portal Team
A status update about the Volunteers Portal activity last month:
Github Issues
The Volunteers Portal has a public repository and issue tracker on https://github.com/joomla/volunteers.joomla.org. The following issues have been worked on this month:
- #248 Remove non confirmed user from the "Add Joomler" list : fixed, list no longer shows Private Profiles
- #240 Mark volunteers profile when deceased : won't fix, as this is handled by consent expirations
- #194 [jvols] use copy to clipboard plugin for banners [enhancement]: implemented, thanks for the plugin Carlos
- #1485 [JVP] - address checkbox state lost after IDP migration: research on issue, needs additional changes on the Identity Portal first
- #1534 [JVP] Allow the Joomler to decide what should be shown: needs a OSM decision / clarification first
- #1533 [JVP] Volunteers Portal - Guest team members: the following changes have been made to the Volunteers Portal to address this issue:
- Joomlers page no longer displays "Private Profiles" https://volunteers.joomla.org/joomlers
- Teams page no longer displays "Private Profiles" https://volunteers.joomla.org/teams
- On the team page itself, the "Private Profiles" are listed for the record (and team leaders to check - and set end dates if needed to update your teams)
- Profiles without consents are no longer displayed as "Guest" on the Volunteers Portal, instead "Private Profile" is used
Thanks for those reported issues and provided input. Please feel free to report issues, suggest features, or even work on the issues listed in the repository. Let me know if you need help to get started!
Other updates
- Spam reports handled (2 accounts)
- Joomla & extensions updated